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Initially created with a GastroEnterolog in mind describing ailment and sickness regarding the internal organs of the body. It could be applied to anyone with special and innovative methods (Donald Trump may be?)
www.SearchItAnywhere.com has been created for a search engine in mind, but it can extend to many more.
All these domain names have been registered by Sites To Remember. The way I create these group of words follow these simple rules: Easy to remember, to write, with verb, with some type of personification, some double entendre, prone to make you smile, preferably a ".com", no 2 or 4 numbers as an substitute for "to" or "for". I create an email with these domain names which are just aliases forwarded to your existing email: people don't have to have to remember gmail, Hotmail, AOL or Yahoo; it allows to brand you even more. This is Marketing! Click on the name to see for what market I registered them, and click on "here" to see an exemple, not always functional.
For a pharmaceutical or a drug & research company
For a transportation company; check www.acoatforallseasons.com/callandflytransport.com or www.acoatforallseasons.com/iwilltransportyou.com